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13 to 18 of 18 records

Total number of records: 18

Count of Collection group

Collection groupCount
Brotherton Collection18
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse18

Count of People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
Mr Henry Hall18
Hall, Henry, the Elder16
Philips, Katherine1
Hall, Henry, the Elder, Or Bold, Michael, Or Howe, John1

Title: On the 30th of January 1695

Author: Hall, Henry, the elder

Attribution: Mr Henry Hall

Date(s): 1695 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 6

Contents: Attack on the hypocrisy of those who would piously commemorate the

anniversary of the death of Charles I after having expelled his rightful heir

James II

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Title: Upon Sir John Fenwick a martyrd knight

Author: Hall, Henry, the elder

Attribution: Mr Henry Hall

Date(s): 1697 ?

Manuscript: Lt 6

Contents: Strongly Jacobite lament for the death by execution of Sir John Fenwick

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Title: On the Queens having the small pox

Author: Hall, Henry, the elder

Attribution: Mr Henry Hall

Date(s): 1695 ?

Manuscript: Lt 6

Contents: Outspoken attack on Mary II, asserting that her death from smallpox was

divine punishment for her crimes

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Hall, Henry, the elder

Attribution: Mr Henry Hall

Date(s): 1695 ?

Manuscript: Lt 6

Contents: Satirical song on the heavy financial cost of William III's wars against

France, seemingly referring to events of 1694 and 1695

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Title: Justice

Author: Philips, Katherine

Attribution: Mr Henry Hall

Date(s): 1663 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 6

Contents: On the shortcomings of human justice, from a song following Act II of

Katherine Philips's play "Pompey", 1663. Followed without a break by BCMSV

299 (the 'answer') as if the two formed a single poem.

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Hall, Henry, the elder

Attribution: Mr Henry Hall

Date(s): 169- ?

Manuscript: Lt 6

Contents: In defence of justice, in answer to the preceding poem by Katherine Philips

(BCMSV 298), reworking her lines; following immediately on it as if part of

the same poem

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