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Brotherton Collection7
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse7

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Spenser, Edmund7

Title: Description of death

Author: Spenser, Edmund

Date(s): 1590 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 15

Contents: "The Faerie Queene", II.xi.21-22, comparing death to an archer armed with

deadly arrows, and describing his ghastly appearance

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Title: Danger

Author: Spenser, Edmund

Date(s): 1590 (published) 1596 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 15

Contents: "The Faerie Queene", III.xii.11, and part of IV.x.16, describing the dreadful

appearance of Danger

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Title: Dispair

Author: Spenser, Edmund

Date(s): 1590 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 15

Contents: Part of "The Faerie Queene", I.ix.35, describing the appearance of Despair

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Title: Harmony

Author: Spenser, Edmund

Date(s): 1590 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 15

Contents: "The Faerie Queene", II.xii.70, describing the music heard at the Bower of


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Title: Discord

Author: Spenser, Edmund

Date(s): 1596 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 15

Contents: "The Faerie Queene", IV.i.20-22, 24 (omitting 24.3), describing the

underground dwelling-place of Ate, representing discord

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Title: Disdain

Author: Spenser, Edmund

Date(s): 1590 and 1596 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 15

Contents: "The Faerie Queene", II.vii,40 (part)-41 and VI.vii.41,43, describing the

dreadful appearance and nature of Disdain

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Spenser, Edmund

Attribution: Spenser

Date(s): 1579 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 84

Contents: On a long life lived uncomplainingly despite mixed fortune. Altered extract from Edmund Spenser's "Shepherd's Calendar", II,17-22.

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