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1 to 12 of 22 records

Total number of records: 22

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Brotherton Collection22
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse22

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Fitzgerald, Thomas22

Title: Bedlam [Latin epigraph]

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Description of and reflections on a madhouse, or lunatic asylum, and its various inhabitants

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Title: An ode

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Expression of happiness and content with the natural pleasures of life,

spurning riches and ambition

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Title: A song

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Love poem, on the everlasting qualities of virtue and wisdom compared with

the transience of external beauty

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Title: A prologue to Cato, as it was acted by some young gentlemen at the time of

the threatned invasion from Spain in 1717

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1717 ?

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: On how Cato's action in saving Rome, in Addison's play, should be an example

to the English when threatened with a Spanish invasion, even though his

character has at other times been variously interpreted

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Title: Upon the poets corner in Westminster Abbey

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: On how the poets buried in Westminster Abbey will be remembered and honoured

longer than any others buried there

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Title: An epigram

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Lighthearted satire on the lack of sense of a vain and boastful friend, a

would-be poet

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Title: Another

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Lighthearted satire on an over-witty acquaintance, foretelling that he will

end up losing friends and being despised

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Title: Another

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Lighthearted satire on the lack of thought displayed by an acquaintance who

fancies himelf a great freethinker

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Title: A fable

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: A version of Aesop's fable of the fox and the cat, commending the virtues of

honesty and common sense

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Title: The Muses complaint. Humbly addressed to the Right Honorable the Earl of

Middlesex. [Latin epigraph]

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Attack on contemporary writers of genuine talent who debase their art by

producing bawdy immoral material to please the popular stage. Praise of

Addison and Steele, in contrast, and of the poem's dedicatee, Charles

Sackville, Earl of Middlesex

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Title: A prologue to Julius Caesar, spoke by a young nobleman of Westminster School

before the Queen and the royal family in the year 1727

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1727 ?

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Contrast between Julius Caesar's ambition, which brought him into conflict

with the citizens of Rome, and the perfect harmony of interest between George

II and his people

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Title: Chearfullness

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: In praise of cheerfulness, possible only if contentment and virtue

characterise one's life

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