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Total number of records: 9

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Brotherton Collection9
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse9

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Yorke, Charles ?9
Mr: C--- Y---E (Verso of Preceding Leaf)4
Mr. C--- Y---E (Verso of Preceding Leaf)2
Mr: C. Y---E (Verso of Preceding Leaf)1
Mr: C--- Y---E (Verso of Preceding Leaf); [Italian]1
Mr. C--- Y---E (Verso of Preceding Leaf); [Italian]1

Title: To a Lady with Pope's works. 1747.

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr. C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1747 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: Sending a copy of Alexander Pope's works to a lady, making out that they can best express his admiration for her and that Pope would have praised her beauty if he had known her

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Title: Tasso's Jerusalem, Book VII

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr. C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf); [Italian]

Date(s): 1743

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: A translation of Torquato Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata" (Jerusalem delivered), book XII, verses I-XXII.

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Title: To the Rt: Honble: the Lord Chancellor, Written in the long vacation of the year 1743

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr. C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1743 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: Praising the virtues and talents of Philip Yorke (first Earl of Hardwicke) when Lord Chancellor, reflecting on the extent of his public service during his long life and anticipating those coming after him

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Title: To a Lady on her love of Poetry. June 8 1747.

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr: C. Y---e (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1747 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: On a lady's love of poetry, with a warning from the author that poets are sometimes untrue and deceptive. The author concedes though that poetry can save an author from oblivion.

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Title: To a Lady. May 1747.

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr: C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1747 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: On the difficulties of love.

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Title: Occasioned by a Receipt to make ink given me by a Lady. Augt: 1747. In the manner of Waller.

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr: C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1747 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: On the development of writing and the invention of ink, and their usefulness in being able to express love

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Title: An Italian Sonetto by Carlo Maria Maggi, Imitated. Sept: 1747. [Italian epigraph]

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr: C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf); [Italian]

Date(s): 1747 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: The poet asks a wave in a stream how the fair M---a looked as she walked along its banks and whether she was thinking of him. With a note keyed in from the first line "a cascade in Cash--ry Park".

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Title: Sonnet, in imitation of Milton

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr: C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 174-?

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: In praise of the beauty and virtues of a lady, comparing her with another of the same name, seemingly now dead, who had suffered more

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Title: To a Lady, on her Copying Dante after Clovis. Augt: ye: 19th: 1747

Author: Yorke, Charles ?

Attribution: Mr: C--- Y---e (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1747 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: On how artists have often depicted poets, and poets written verse in praise of artists, hoping that the lady in question might draw his picture, thus ensuring his own fame

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