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1 to 4 of 4 records

Total number of records: 4

Top 10: People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
York Lunatic Asylum4
Higgins, Godfrey, 1773-18332
Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Earl, 1748-18332
Higgins, Godfrey (1773-1833)2
York Lunatic Asylum. Court of Governors1
New Governor1
Great Britain. Parliament1
Dealtry, R B (1755-1830)1
Dealtry, R. B1
A letter to the Right Honourable Earl Fitzwilliam... respecting the investigation which has lately taken place, into the abuses at the York Lunatic Asylum


A few free remarks on Mr. Godfrey Higgins's publications respecting the York Lunatic Asylum
A few free remarks on Mr. Godfrey Higgins's publications respecting the York Lunatic Asylum


The evidence taken before a committee of the House of Commons, respecting the Asylum at York


A vindication of Mr. Higgins, from the charges of Corrector : including a sketch of recent transactions at the York Lunatic Asylum
