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Brotherton Collection3
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse3

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Radcliffe, Alexander3
Cap. Radclif1

Title: Upon a bowl of punch

Author: Radcliffe, Alexander

Attribution: Cap. Radclif

Date(s): 1680 ?

Manuscript: Lt 87

Contents: Humorous drinking poem describing the classical gods making a strong bowl of

punch in emulation of mankind

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Title: Bacchanalia coelestia: a poem in praise of punch. Compos'd by the gods and goddesses in cabal.

Author: Radcliffe, Alexander

Date(s): 1680 (at end and verso)

Manuscript: Lt q 52

Contents: Humorous drinking poem describing the classical gods making a strong bowl of punch in emulation of mankind

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Title: Strephon

Author: Radcliffe, Alexander

Date(s): 1680 or 1681 ?

Manuscript: Lt q 52

Contents: Satire on the central figure of a Whig political faction, noting his former fashionable behaviour and his current intriguing with the Green Ribbon Club

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