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Buchanan, Sir George William2
Gosse, Ellen, Lady1
Gosse, Edmund1


Sender: Buchanan, Sir George William

Recipient: Gosse, Edmund

Letters: 71

Date(s): 17 Nov 1919 - 14 Oct 1921; 1 n.d.

Location: BC Gosse correspondence, Autograph letters from Buchanan

Note: The letters are very full and familiar, being headed "My dear friend and master", "Best and most faithful of friends", etc. They commence with the arrival of the ambassador at Rome and describe the situation in the country directly after the war of 1914-1918. "The Army & the Fleet are entirely out of hand ... The Govt. is entirely powerless". Displeasure of the Foreign Office with his being "over rapturous" in pushing the Italian claims. Wreck at Petrograd. Illness of wife. "So you want, my inquisitive friend, to make me betray my official secrets". Italian grievances about the Peace Conference and Fiume. "I am, I must confess, very disheartened. I am entirely out of touch with my own Govt." Horrors in Russia. Strikes. Clemenceau & the Persidency. Haldane's book. "If Poland is crushed and if the Germans and Russians join hands, I tremble to think what may happen". Wilson's arrogant letter to Lansig. "My day is past. An ambassador nowadays is a mere cypher." Increasing
economic troubles in Italy. Bitterness against Wilson. Anxious to know about Asquith's future line of action in parliament. Dislike of new little republics. Venizelos. Paderewski. Nitti on France and the Allies being too hard on Germany. A lie by Tirpitz. Prime Minister and Riddell. Situation in Italy becoming more serious. Sforza. Anglo-French relations. Illness. Balfour & San Remo. Nitti and the Chamber: his increasing popularity. Disgust with Li. George for trukling to Krassin. Giolitti's Govt. Trouble on railways. "I cannot, oh curious one, tell you anything about Balfour's conversation with the Pope". Samuel & Palestine. Anarchists at Ancone. Food situation serious. Posilippo. His Russian memoirs. Visit to Crowborough. Poland & Russia. Trouble with Paleologue. A difficult winter's journey to Rome. Italy & the Yuogslavs. Rising prices. Defeat of Venizelos. Finns: "I much prefer the old empires to these mushhroom states." Giollitti weaker. D'Annunzio & Fiume. "I
have lost all sympathy with the Italians". Fascists first mentioned 21 Dec 1920. Col. Repington. Fights between Facists & Socialists. Li. George & Sforza. Keats centenary. "It is not the Germans who scare me but Poincare (Briand)". Sir Maurice Hankey's visit. "Do try to find out who is destined to be my successor". Ultra-catholic demonstration against England. Bad reception of Bolshevik mission to Rome. Anarchist bomb outrages. Sforza & Turco-Greek conflict. Turco-Italian agreement. Haldane's position. "Conflicts between Fascists and Socialists are of daily occurence". Doubts about the punitive occupation of the Ruhr. Why doesn't British Govt. arrest strikers? Buchanan & Curzon. General strike of state employes. Old order disappearing. Ministerial crisis. Giolitti, Labriola, & Sforza. Curzon's anger with Sforza. Meeting with Japanese Crown Prince. Buckle's Life of Disraeli. Silesian question. Sorrento & Anagni. Princess Yousoupoff. Ronald Graham as his successor. Wife's


Sender: Buchanan, Sir George William

Recipient: Gosse, Ellen, Lady

Letters: 1

Date(s): n.d.

Location: BC Gosse correspondence. In volume AUTOGRAPH LETTERS FROM SIR G. BUCHANAN TO SIR E. GOSSE, 1919-1921