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The Virgin of the Harbour

The Virgin of the Harbour


Painting : oil; gesso ground

Gift of Sir Michael Sadler, 1923

Image credit University of Leeds


Artist(s): Procter, Ernest (1885-1935)(Artist)

Title: The Virgin of the Harbour

Date created: 1915

Accession number: LEEUA 1923.018

Persistent link:

Collection group(s): University Art Collection


Frame Type - original slip only

Physical characteristics

Category: Painting

Technique: easel

Medium: oil; gesso ground

Support: canvas

Frame: width 756mm height 895mm

Object: width 610mm height 813mm

Object weight: 10 kg


Signed and dated lower left: ERNEST PROCTER / MARCH 1915

Accession details

Accession number: LEEUA 1923.018

Accession date: 1923

Credit: Gift of Sir Michael Sadler, 1923

Source: Gift; Sadler, Sir Michael

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