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Literature searching explained

Save your search

Save copies of the useful records you find and where possible save a copy of your search strategy. This will ensure that you don’t have to repeat work.

Document your search  

Your search methodology should document where you looked for information and how many results were found. 

Keep track of your activities as you search. It is much harder after the event to justify the decisions you made and to remember what you found in each source. 

Consider using our search activity template (DOCX) as a personal record. 

What you document depends on your reason for searching the literature. If you are carrying out detailed research for a systematic review you will probably need to provide rigorous documentation of your search process as part of your submission. 

If you are unsure, check with your department in case there are local procedures you should be following. 

Writing up your search methodology 

A search methodology should document your search so that someone else can reproduce your steps and get the same results. You should include: 

  • the names of the sources you search and which provider you accessed them through - eg Medline (Ovid), Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) ;
  • any grey literature sources you used;
  • the date you carried out the searches;
  • any search limits you applied eg language, date ranges of publication, types of publication;
  • any individuals or organisations you contacted; and
  • any sources you handsearched. 

For more detail on the search steps listed above, read our literature searching guide

To see how you might write up a search methodology, the Cochrane Library has a number of good examples. Search for a systematic review and take a look at how the Methods section has been reported. 

Add your search strategy as an appendix 

The search strategies that you applied when searching different sources (eg Medline, Web of Science) can be added as an appendix to your document. This will provide the reader with additional detail on: 

  • how you searched (keyword and/or subject headings);
  • which search terms you used (which words and phrases);
  • any search techniques you employed (truncation, adjacency, etc); and
  • how you combined your search terms (AND/OR). 

You can document in your results section the number of results you found in each source. 

The following examples show how you could present a search strategy as an appendix: 

It is often easier to copy and paste the search history straight from the database rather than retyping it. 

Search tip: Many databases allow you to save your search strategies inside a free personal account area. We recommend that you do this. See our advice on saving your search for more information. 

Further help 

For more help with reporting systematic research, you can refer to the PRISMA website and to their PRISMA flow diagram (under Key Documents) which shows the process of a systematic search. 

Save the articles you find

Always save or print the useful article records you find. Most databases give you a few options, such as:

  • save – usually as a text file or an RIS file
  • print
  • email
  • direct export to reference software such as EndNote.

Generally you will not be able to download the full text of the documents directly from the database. In many databases you will have to follow the "full text" links. If the Library has a subscription, you will be able to download the article.

Save your search strategy

The database may have a free personal account feature that allows you to save a copy of your search strategy. Saving your strategy means your search can be re-run without you having to re-enter details.

Stay up-to-date with database alerts

Many databases will have auto-alerts so that you can keep up to date with any new research.

Find out more about current awareness services.

For more information about all of these features in the OvidSP databases (Medline, PsycINFO etc) see the advanced Medline workbook (PDF).