Publishing and reusing our material
If you wish to publish or reuse material from Cultural Collections you will need to request permission.
Go to our catalogue and find the item you are using. Below the item details you will see a button labelled “Request Reuse”. Clicking on this will open a form, please complete and submit the form and we will get back to you.
You need to tell us specifically what material you are using and if you are using the material for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
How much it costs
We charge £100 fee per image if you want to publish or reuse material for commercial purposes. This is in addition to the reproduction charge if we produced the copy for you.
Copyright and permissions
The majority of collection material held by Cultural Collections remains in copyright. It is your responsibility to get permission from the copyright holder. This also applies to personal photography taken while visiting the Cultural Collections Research Centre.
Before we give you permission to use our images, we may ask you to show us written evidence that you already have the copyright owner's permission.