Research Profile Bootcamp 2025

Improve your research visibility and online presence with a week of workshops from 10–14 March.
Does your research profile need a boost? Could your online presence be stronger? Join colleagues from across the University of Leeds and beyond for our second Research Profile Bootcamp, a week of sessions focusing on practical ways to strengthen your research profile.
Excellent speaker with lots of tips/info/knowledge. My mind was blown!
At our previous Bootcamp, 94% of attendees said they learned something that strengthened their research profile.
The Research Profile Bootcamp features practical workshops, delivered by professionals experienced in supporting researchers, to make the most out of their profiles as authors, storytellers and champions. This year’s programme is a great opportunity for researchers at all stages in their careers to nurture their online impact, whether that is on social media, on the University website, or in research systems and databases.
Research Profile Bootcamp programme
Book on to one or more of 10 in-person and online sessions running across the week.
Monday 10 March – Updating and enhancing your author and publication profile
Enhancing your University of Leeds staff profile, 10:30–11:30am
For staff. Learn how to update and enhance your staff profile pages and discover the associated benefits.
Using Symplectic to raise the visibility of your research, (in-person), 2–3pm
Learn about the University's research management system, Symplectic, and how you can use it to increase your research visibility.
Tuesday 11 March – Developing online profiles
Create a compelling profile and raise your visibility on LinkedIn, 9:30–11:00am
Find out more about LinkedIn, why it matters, what makes a good profile and how to use it to boost your research visibility.
Online profiles – the emotional side to research visibility, 12:30–2:00pm
This session covers issues associated with using online platforms to promote your research, such as sharing sensitive or controversial material, dealing with negative responses on social media and trepidation about putting your work online.
Wednesday 12 March – Using online databases to increase your research visibility
Using bibliometric databases for those with a Scopus profile, (in-person), 09:30–10:30am
Find out more about bibliometric databases and how to use them to increase your research visibility and track your academic impact. There will also be an opportunity to explore the databases yourself and put into practice what you have learnt during the session.
Using bibliometric databases for those without a Scopus profile, (in-person), 11:00am–12:00pm:
This session provides an introduction to the multidisciplinary online database Scopus, and how you can use it to decide where to publish, analyse your field of study, find collaborators and track the reach of your research.
Thursday 13 March – Discussing your research
Podcasting as a research visibility tool, 10:00–11:30am
How can podcasting be used to promote your research? A range of presenters will provide tips and principles for producing a good podcast, the impact of effective podcasts and information about facilities and equipment available on campus.
Writing your narrative CV, 2:00–3:30pm
This session is all about creating a narrative CV, covering how they are used as well as the benefits and challenges of putting one together.
Friday 14 March – Getting your research out there
Crafting your research project page, 10:00–11:00am
For staff. Everything you need to know about your research project page: why you should have one, the benefits it can bring and how to get one.
Knowledge Equity, 2:00–3:30pm
A chance to find out more about the Knowledge Equity Network (KEN) and its declaration, which is working towards reducing global inequalities through increased access to knowledge.
More information about each session is on our Bootcamp booking page. Spaces are limited, so book early to ensure your research reaches new and bigger audiences – and takes you along for the ride.