New online open book exam resource

See our advice to get ready for online open book exams this summer, including revision, planning and the exam itself.
Due to current social distancing measures, many exams this summer will be carried out as online open book exams.
Our new online open book exams resource provides students with the tools to prepare for, plan and undertake online exams. We’ve also inclded links to our other online resources that can support with revision, essay writing and wellbeing activities.
Online open book exams can require a different approach to traditional exams taken in an exam hall, so this may be unfamiliar territory for many of those taking part. They can take place over a 24 or 48-hour period and allow access to reading material, summaries and notes. Open book exams also test understanding, so those taking part will need to demonstrate critical analysis, evaluating and applying their subject knowledge to answer the questions set.
Module leaders can support their students with these exams by ensuring that Minerva reading lists are fully up to date. Please let us know if a particular text is critical for a piece of assessment or will be used intensively over a short period of time so we can try to ensure access (please use the speech bubble on the Minerva Reading List toolbar).