Changeover to new reading lists system starts now

The reading lists system in Minerva is changing in June 2022 - find out what impact it will have for tutors and students.
Our Minerva reading lists tool, where tutors can create and edit recommended reading lists for their modules, is changing as part of the Minerva Ultra upgrade project.
We want to make this transition as easy as possible for you, so we will migrate all the current reading lists to the new system. Any changes made before Friday 13 May will be carried over to the new system. They should appear in your module area when the Minerva upgrade is completed.
The changes will affect the way that reading lists are created and updated, and will change the look and feel of how reading lists work. They won’t alter how students use the lists in Minerva to find their key texts. However, reading lists will no longer be available from the library website, so in future the only way to access reading lists will be through the Minerva module areas.
Look out for announcements here and on Library twitter – we will provide online resources and workshops that will walk you through the new system and offer a chance to ask questions and troubleshoot any issues that arise.