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The Marrick Estate after John Uvedale

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John Uvedale died in 1549, succeeded by his son Avery Uvedale. Avery was soon enmeshed in litigation with other local landowners, notably the Bulmers who had been his father's main competitors. Many documents in the collection relate to these continuing disputes.

Avery Uvedale died in 1583 leaving his Marrick estate to his son John, who in 1585 commissioned a full survey of the inheritance. It begins thus:

1. The Survey of the Manc[i]on howse Demeasnes
2. And Parsonage of Marricke lying w[i]thin the p[a]rishe
3. Of Marricke in Richemond ^shyr^ in the Countie of
4. Yorke p[ar]cell[e] of the possessions of Joh[a]n Vuedalle
5. esquier made by Thom[a]s James gent[leman] at the
6. appointm[en]t of the saide M[aste]r Vuedalle in the moneth
7. of Auguste Anno Elizabethe Regine
8. xxvijo et D[omi]ni 1585
9. First the Scite of the saide Mancion
10. conteyneth A meete dwelling howse for A
11. Wor[shipfu]ll gent[leman] all buylte and covered w[i]th stones
12. having at his firste Entrie, A faire gate =
13. howse w[i]th A Chamber belowe and an other
14. aboue/ w[i]thin it A greene Courte of half
15. an Acre p[ar]telie walled abowte w[i]th A stoane
16. wall[e] and p[ar]telie w[i]th the buylding[es] of ij
17. stables/ the Churche Yarde / the Towre the
18. Manc[i]on howse/ the garnard for Corne, the
19. kilne and Malting h....... .........f [i]t yow
20. enter into A p[ro]per courte Walled abowte/ The
21. waie into the Manc[i]on howse there is A faire
22. porche and w[i]thin [tha]t an Entree or half
23. plaice/ at the lefte side thereof is A
24. Buttrie A pantree. A kitchine. A wette iiiij aicres
25. larder and A drye w[i]th A storehowse/ on
26. the righte side is A Hall w[i]th iij light[es] -
27. therein looking into A litle Courte; w[i]thin
28. [i]t A faire dyning p[ar]lo[ur] w[i]th ij large -
29. light[es] one looking into A latle garden
30. walled abowte. thother into the lytle Courte
31. Over them in the higher storie ascending
32. vp by staires set in moste convenient
33. place there is A faire Dyning Chamber
34. w[i]th A Chymney in [i]t. and an other
35. Chamber w[i]thowt A Chymney and also
36. iij other Chamber[es] w[i]th Chymneyes in
37. them/ and ij p[ro]per Closet[es]/ moreover
38. A faire lodginge called the Bethowse
39. having to [i]t iij Chamber[es] with A
40. Chymney in one of them/ The Church
41. adioyneth to the howse …

In 1589 Avery Uvedale's sale of Marrick to Richard Brackenbury is recorded, but Brackenbury himself soon sold on to Sir Timothy Hutton in 1592. At this time, a number of remarkable maps of Marrick were drawn up, apparently in association with the sale. Though little more than sketches, they give a clear and vivid impression of Marrick and its environs at this time. The map shows 'marrig abbaie' (the Priory itself) at the bottom right as a cluster of ten triangles representing buildings, close to the River Swale. At the top left, a swathe of small circles represents the pit-shafts of 'Copperthwaite gang' (vein), a major lead-mining site; below it is 'priores bale' (Priory's bail) with further bales to the left, these being the mounds of stone, fuel and ore for smelting the lead.

This was essentially the Marrick that Hutton leased to a London upholsterer Richard Blackburne in 1596. When Hutton died the Priory estate was sold to the Blackburne family and remained in its possession until 1683 when a large part of it was purchased for the Marquis of Winchester, in whose family the property remained, through a long series of inheritances, until the nineteenth century.