A commentary
The Bragg Notebook is a quarto size hard-backed exercise book of 100 pages bound in black paper. The cover is stamped;
It is catalogued as part of MS 81, the Bragg Family collection in the Special Collections of the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. Also included in MS 81 are:
1. A reprint of Max Laue's two papers(1) read at a meeting of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences on 8th of June and 6th July 1912. This reprint was presented by Laue to Professor Lorentz and came into the possession successively of Lord Rutherford and (in 1933) Professor EG Cox who presented it to the University in 1949
2. A Great Britain 13p postage stamp in the commemorative series of British Scientists issued in 1977. It portrays the sodium chloride crystal structure and the inscription Salt-crystallography. W H and W L Bragg. Nobel Prize 1915
3. A reprint of an 18th century paper(2) (Ann. des Sciences nat. 2e series) by A Bravais

Inside front cover of the notebook with press cutt...
Inside front cover of the notebook with press cutt...
Attached to the inside front cover of the notebook are press cuttings from the Yorkshire Post of July 21st 1945 which record the unveiling of the Tablet (on July 20th) which is situated in the entrance foyer of the Brotherton Library.
The Tablet was presented by Mrs Smithells according to the wishes of the late Professor Smithells, a colleague and close friend of William Henry Bragg (WHB). There is, pasted-in, a photograph of Sir Lawrence Bragg (WLB), Col, C H Tetley (Pro-Chancellor), Professor R Whiddington (Professor of Physics) and Mr B Mouat-Jones (Vice-Chancellor).