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Liv Bonli (she/her)

Liv Bonli (she/her)


Since joining the Research Services team in 2015, I’ve had the opportunity to work in a range of areas, including supporting repository activities and the coordination of research outputs for the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission. I currently provide support to both the University’s research repository (White Rose Research Online) and etheses repository (White Rose eTheses Online), as well as to Library REF 2029 exercise preparations and OA policy compliance. I am involved in the creation of team workflows and processes that are responsive to developing OA and publication policies and requirements, the coordination of team input into systems testing, and the development and update of user guidance materials. I also administer OA APC payments via publisher agreements and funder-provided block grants, and facilitate Library-coordinated OA BPC funding applications for longform publications in-scope of UKRI OA policy requirements.


  • Supporting Library REF exercise activities, including OA policy compliance
  • Administering OA fee payments
  • Supporting the University research and etheses repositories


  • BFA, MFA (Studio Arts)