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Data management planning

Standard text for your DMP

Each data management plan is unique, and over-reliance on cut-and-paste is likely to lead to a weak plan. However, you may find that some text is likely to be similar from plan to plan. In these cases, it is acceptable to insert standard "boilerplate" text.

Please speak to the team before including any standard text.

Storage and back-up

If you are asked how your data will be stored and backed up, you can insert:

“All material will be assessed for sensitivity and stored on secure, University provisioned storage.”

Storing sensitive data

If you are storing sensitive data you should add:

"Any sensitive data (as defined by the Data Protection Act) that is stored on portable electronic devices will be protected by encryption software to FIPS 140-2 standard. Any sensitive data that needs to be transmitted electronically will first be encrypted to FIPS 140-2.

Depositing in a data repository

If you are depositing data in a data repository, the text will vary depending on where you plan to deposit. However, if you think you will deposit in Research Data Leeds, or are unsure, you should insert:

"Data from the project will be offered to the University of Leeds Research Data Repository (Research Data Leeds) or another appropriate data repository service in order to ensure the data can be shared, reused and cited beyond the end of the project. Research Data Leeds holds deposited data for a minimum of 10 years and datasets are associated with digital object identifiers (DOIs)."