
Fig 8a. Sketch graph of the spectra from the (111)...
Fig 8a. Sketch graph of the spectra from the (111)...
Fig 8a. Sketch graph of the spectra from the (111) planes in diamond (from p15 of the notebook)
At the time (Summer 1913), it was perhaps the Braggs' paper on the structure of the diamond which was of interest way beyond the scientific community: here at last the arrangement of atoms in the most precious and hardest gemstone was determined. The raw data for diamond is on pp. 3, 12-15 and 24-27 of the notebook and there is a sketch-graph of the spectra from the (111) planes (Rh X-rays) on p 15 (as shown in figure 8a). The graph in Figure 8a is reproduced in the joint paper, The Structure of the Diamond(14), except that the angle is plotted as θ (crystal glancing angle) instead of 2θ (ionization chamber angle).

Figure 8b. Graph showing the spectra from the (111...
Figure 8b. Graph showing the spectra from the (111...
Figure 8b. Graph showing the spectra from the (111) planes in diamond, published in the joint-paper on 'The Structure of the Diamond'. Compare with Figure 8a.