The spinels

Figure 12a. Original summary data (p83 of notebook...
Figure 12a. Original summary data (p83 of notebook...
Figure 12a. Original summary data (p83 of notebook)
The Spinels: MgAl204 (Spinel); FeFe204 (Magnetite) and Zn Al204 (Zinc Spinel)
The starred experimental data for spinel and magnetite on p78 - 82 of the notebook is summarised on p83 (Fig 12a), together with that for zinc spinel, the experimental data for which is noted as being in: "the next book", this data is reproduced as Fig 58 (Fig 12b on this page) in the 1915 book 'X-rays and Crystal Structure'(8), but not in any of the papers published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society discussed above.
The Braggs note at the end of the book that: "little more is known [of these structures] than [the number of] the molecules in the unit cell". Their structures were eventually analysed by W H Bragg and S Nishakawa independently in 1915.