The portrait
Emma Aloysia Novello’s Portrait of Richard Cobden
The portrait
The lost second portrait
Richard Cobden and the Novellos
Emma Novello’s early life and education
Emma Novello’s artistic practice
Emma Novello’s later life
Emma Novello in context
Emma Aloysia Novello, Richard Cobden, oil on canvas, 1861 -
Richard Cobden by an unknown photographer, carbon print, circa early 1860s © National Portrait Gallery, London -
BC MS NCC/20/297 Emma Novello to (Joseph) Alfred Novello 8 July 1866 1 -
BC MS NCC/20/297 Emma Novello to (Joseph) Alfred Novello 8 July 1866 2 -
BC MS NCC/20/306 (Joseph) Alfred Novello to Emma Novello 26 July 1866 1 -
BC MS NCC/20/306 (Joseph) Alfred Novello to Emma Novello 26 July 1866 2
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The artist Emma Aloysia Novello painted this oil sketch of the politician Richard Cobden in Paris, most likely between 6 and 16 May 1861. She visited Cobden and his wife at their home in the French capital, but he was too busy for an extended sitting as a result of his activities following the successful negotiation of what would become known as the Cobden–Chevalier Treaty of 1860. To accommodate his schedule, Novello painted Cobden while he worked, using tones of raw umber and white to define his features.
Novello completed the oil sketch from an existing photograph of Cobden and the grid that remains visible on the surface of the canvas reveals the process of enlarging and transcribing the figure. The National Portrait Gallery holds a carbon print of Cobden with the same pose and clothing, presented by one of the same donors as the Novello Cowden Clarke Collection, so there is a strong likelihood that it was the same visual aid used by Emma.
In addition to the use of photography as an artistic tool, Novello recorded that the French artist Pierre-Désiré Guillemet assisted and advised her in the preparation of this portrait and also that her ‘talented friend’, the artist Ann Mary Newton (née Severn), added some brushstrokes to the hair in 1864. These collaborative strategies demonstrate Novello’s navigation through a network of Anglo-European art making that still privileged the work of men and marginalised the work of women.
Emma offered to sell the portrait to her brother, the music publisher (Joseph) Alfred Novello, in 1866. In reply he wrote: ‘I did not find any resemblance to Mr Cobden in the painting you showed me, and I did not wish to have it’. The picture was instead purchased by her sister Mary Cowden Clarke and her husband Charles in the same year, after which it was displayed in the picture gallery of their home, Villa Novello in Genoa, which they shared with her brother Alfred and sister (Mary) Sabilla Novello. The picture hung alongside portraits of figures from the Risorgimento (Unification of Italy) and work by their late brother Edward Petre Novello. It came to Leeds in 1953 as part of the donation of the Novello Cowden Clarke Collection by Emma’s great nieces Nerina Medici di Marignano Gigliucci and Bona Sabilla Gigliucci.
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