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Tony Harrison – Writing 'Them & [uz]'

Harrison p54 Bottom Layer crop
Trace the development of Tony Harrison's poem 'Them & [uz]' through the series of evolving drafts contained in the pages of one of his notebooks.
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/53/t
Introduction to the exploration of the manuscripts of Tony Harrison's peom "Them & [uz]"
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/01/54b
Manuscripts notes of Tony Harrison's poem 'Them & [uz]'
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/01
Image and transcription of one page of Tony Harrison's notebook drafts for 'Them & [UZ]'.
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/01/54b
Image of page 54 of the manuscript notes of Tony Harrison's peom "Them & [uz]"
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/01/55b
Image of page 55 of the manuscript notes of Tony Harrison's peom "Them & [uz]"
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/01/56b
Image of page 56 of the manuscript notes of Tony Harrison's peom "Them & [uz]"
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/53/t
Early typescript draft of first sonnet of ‘Tony Harrison's poem "Them & [uz]"
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/53t
An early draft of the second sonnet of Tony Harrison's poem "Them & [uz]"
BC MS 20c Harrison/03/SCH/01/56t
An early draft of the complete poem "Them & [uz]" by Tony Harrison
Harrison 'Them & [uz]' first publication
First published version of Tony Harrison's peom "Them & [uz]"
BC MS 20c Harrison/02
Fourth draft version of Tony Harrison's peom "Them & [uz]"
Harrison 'Them & [uz]' final version.
Final published version of Tony Harrison's poem "Them & [uz]"

The Tony Harrison Archive at the University of Leeds provides fascinating insight into the work and life of one of the most important poets writing in Britain today.

It contains over 250 notebooks, hundreds of files, and thousands of letters that trace the development of many of his most famous works.

Harrison's notebooks are meticulous records of his working process and inspiration. They contain photographs, labels and objects that inspired him, as well as multiple drafts of poems, and chart the complex evolution of his work.

You can find drafts for one of his best known poems, 'Them & [uz]', in one of a series of notebooks that document the collection of poems published as 'The School of Eloquence'.

'Them & [uz]' was first published in the August 1974 edition of Planet magazine, before appearing in a collection of Harrison's work titled ‘From 'The School of Eloquence' and other poems’ (Rex Collings, 1978). It has since featured in numerous anthologies.

This resource traces the development of 'Them & [uz]' through these layered drafts and notes, and shows its continued evolution since first publication.