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Publishing Prize supporting information

Terms and conditions

Please read all the following information before applying. 

Submission process 

  1. Submissions must be based on doctoral research for doctoral degrees awarded since January 2022 and before the submission deadline of 30 September 2025.
  2. A sample chapter of the proposed monograph must be included. 
  3. The proposal must be for a stand-alone text-based volume. 
  4. The proposal must be for an English language monograph (though the doctoral research it is based on could have been undertaken in a different language). 
  5. The application form must include a recommendation for publication from a relevant academic mentor (usually expected to be the supervisor but could also be, for example, an external examiner), with appropriate evidence. 
  6. Authors must also confirm an academic mentor (not their doctoral supervisor) to support them through the process. 
  7. This should be the first long format publication based on the applicant’s doctoral research. We cannot accept submissions from those who have already published, have secured agreement to publish, or who are in discussions to publish a book based on their research elsewhere. 
  8. The publishing element of the prize has no financial equivalent, and no profit will be made from the sale or distribution of the monograph, for WRUP or for the author. 
  9. Decisions of the panel are final. It will not be possible to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

If successful as an ECPP winner: 

  1. The successful monograph proposals will undergo the standard peer review and commissioning process. The University of Leeds will cover publication costs if commissioned. 
  2. Commissioned monographs should be submitted as a final manuscript no later than 12 months from commissioning. 
  3. Draft manuscripts will undergo a final round of peer review to inform the Editorial Board’s decision to send the manuscript into production. 
  4. The WRUP Editorial Board will decide to commission and take to production, based on the quality of the monograph proposal/manuscript and not the quality of the doctoral research on which the monograph is based, or the thesis submitted for assessment. 
  5. The WRUP Editorial Board may require revisions as suggested by the peer review process or their own discussions. If an author does not engage with the editorial process, the Editorial Board may choose not to commission the volume or to send to production. 
  6. The decisions of WRUP Editorial Board are final. 
  7. WRUP will publish the open access monograph under a Creative Commons License. The ownership of the content will remain with the author. 
  8. The author will secure all relevant permissions to use third-party content in the final published volume (images, text from other sources etc). These permissions will differ from those needed for use in the doctoral thesis.