Leeds Early Career Publishing Prize
Leeds Early Career Publishing Prize
Congratulations to Olena Gundarina, Yuliya Kazanova and Andrea White, who were awarded the inaugural Leeds Early Career Publishing Prize.
They will now take their book proposals through the peer review and commissioning process with the White Rose University Press.
About the Leeds Early Career Publishing Prize
The Leeds Early Career Publishing Prize celebrates PhD research and supports authors to publish an open access monograph. Entries to the prize are now closed.
The prize will be relaunched in February 2025.
The prize was open to University of Leeds PhD graduates from 2017, 2018 and 2019. To win the prize, entrants submitted a proposal explaining how they would turn their thesis into a book.
Prize-winners received a £250 cash prize each. If the book is commissioned, authors will be supported through the peer review process and all book processing charges and open access fees will be paid for.
Prize-winning proposals will be considered for publication by White Rose University Press (WRUP). WRUP will follow its normal quality-driven commissioning process, including peer review, and will support successful authors throughout the publication process.
Helpful advice
Dr Lucy Arnold, a Leeds doctoral graduate, offers her five top tips for turning your thesis into a monograph.
How to enter
Read the Rules, Terms and Conditions. If these are not met, your entry will not be considered.
Read the Prize and Author information
The closing date is midnight (UK time) on 30 September 2020.
To enter the competition, you must:
- download the Early Career Publishing Prize application form (DOCX)
- complete the author sections
- ask your supervisor, and mentor if different, to complete their sections
- ask your supervisor to submit your application.
Your application must include:
- a completed application form
- a sample chapter from your proposed monograph.
If you are a supervisor or mentor, please see the Publishing Prize supporting information for details of what is expected of your role.
Contact us about the publishing prize using: ecpublishingprize@leeds.ac.uk.
We cannot enter into correspondence about your proposal or the judges' decisions.