My research project: Dominique
Initial research: Theatrical Collections in Leeds

Copyright University of Leeds
Near the end of my first year at university studying History and Sociology, I applied and got onto the Undergraduate Research and Leadership Scholarship. The scholarship involves working for six weeks each summer to conduct a research project, whilst in the academic year being an ambassador for the scholarship.
The brief of the project was to choose an aspect of Leeds to focus on, giving an example of Leeds music scene. In the application process I had to give a short description of a project I would want to conduct. I chose Leeds theatres because I have always enjoyed visiting the theatre and thought it would be interesting to explore Leeds theatrical heritage.
I knew about Special Collections already as it had been mentioned to me in my ‘Primary Sources’ module in first year, and I had visited them since to find a primary source for an essay I was writing for that module.
Now that I was conducting my own research on a topic I knew very little about, I went to Special Collections to help me get started.