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Brotherton Library closed
The Brotherton Library is expected to be closed until Tuesday 7 January due to emergency work in Parkinson Court. The Laidlaw, Edward Boyle and Health Sciences libraries are all open as usual.
How to get items from the Brotherton.

Maria Brontë

BC MS 19c Brontë/B4/2
Francis O'Gorman, Professor of Victorian Literature at the University of Leeds, introduces the Brontë family manuscripts, part of the original Brotherton Collection.
BC MS 19c Brontë/F1
Maria Brontë manuscript.
BC MS 19c Brontë/C2
Description of Charlotte Bronte material in Bronte Family Manuscripts.
BC MS 19c Brontë/C3/a
Description of letters from Charlotte Brontë & Elizabeth Gaskell describing each other.
A B Nicholls letters to Ellen Nussey
Description of A B Nicholls letter to Ellen Nussey following Charlotte Brontë's death.
BC MS 19c Brontë/B13
Description of Branwell Bronte manuscripts in the Brotherton Collection, part 1
BC MS 19c Brontë/B1/2
Introduction to Branwell Bronte's early manuscripts.
BC MS 19c Brontë/B4/2
Description of Branwell Brontë artwork in Brontë family manuscripts collection
BC MS 19c Brontë/B4/10
Description of Branwell Bronte's sketch '‘Our Lady of Grief’.
BC MS 19c Brontë/C14
Ellen Nussey's description of Emily Brontë.

Maria Brontë, the Brontë siblings' mother, passed away in 1821 and we know little of her life.

However, in the Brotherton collection we can glimpse her religious thinking in the apparently unpublished manuscript of her somewhat severe essay on 'The Advantage of Poverty in Religious Concerns'.

In her essay, Maria takes the opportunity to find spiritual gain in material loss:

'What is poverty? Nothing - or rather a something which, with the assistance, and blessing of our Gracious Master, will greatly promote our spiritual welfare, & tend to increase, & strengthen our efforts to gain that Land of pure delight'

"Pure delight" was elsewhere for Mrs Brontë and hardship helped in drawing one closer to it: a doctrine that must have been familiar to the poor of Haworth.
