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Find University of Leeds theses

You can find PhD and doctoral theses using our Library search.

The above search allows you to search by keywords, author or title and is set to limit your search results to Theses. If you know exactly the thesis you want, keep the search set to keywords and use the author's family name and one or two key words in the title. This will produce highly relevant search results.

Theses are kept in the Library stores. To access a print thesis, sign in and select “Request it” in the full record. We will email you when it is available. Please allow at least 48 hours.

Theses cannot be taken out of the libraries.

Find Leeds theses online

Search White Rose eTheses Online for online theses from the universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and York.

Digital copies of Leeds theses may also be available through the Electronic Theses Online Service provided by the British Library.

Some theses may be unavailable as the research is commercially sensitive or confidential.

Find a UK thesis

Search for theses from other UK institutions using the Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS), which is provided by the British Library.

If you cannot find the thesis using these services, our Document Supply service may be able to help.

Find an international thesis

Non-UK theses can be very difficult to obtain. In some countries, universities are working together to make full-text electronic collections of theses available online.

Try the following databases:

Unfortunately, most requests made for international theses through our Document Supply service are unsuccessful.