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Journal articles

Find journal articles we subscribe to in print and online using the Library Search and choose Articles from the drop-down list. You can search by keyword, author, article title or journal name.

You can also find journal articles by searching databases. Databases find a wider range of articles in a subject area, some of which we can access and others we don't have a subscription for.

If you have problems accessing an article, see our advice on using electronic resources.

If we do not have access to the material you need, you can order it through Document Supply or use another library.

Conference papers

Find conference papers and proceedings using Library Search and filter your search results by “conference proceedings”.

You can also search a database. Databases often contain both conference papers and journal articles. If you only want to search for conference papers use ISI Proceedings or see if you can filter your search in the database's advanced search.

If you only know the journal abbreviation

Sometimes you will be given a reference that includes an abbreviated journal title.

To find the full title you can use: