Library regulations
Copyright acknowledgement
All registered Library users are required to abide by the copyright legislation relating to use of computer software and datasets as set out below.
I agree that my usage of any electronic resources made available to me by Leeds University Library is subject to the following conditions:
- I will ensure that all the requirements of the agreements, contracts and licences under which the resource is held or provided by the Library will be maintained. (Copies of the relevant agreements, contracts and licences may be seen by application to the Library.)
- I will adhere to the regulations governing the use of any service involved in the provision of access to the resource whether these services are controlled by the Library or the University or by some other organisation.
- I will not remove or alter the Copyright Statements on any copy of or output from the resource used by me.
- I will ensure the security and confidentiality of any copy released to me, and will not make any further copies from it or knowingly permit others to do so, unless permitted to do so under the relevant licence.
- I will use the resource only for purposes defined, and only on computer systems covered by the agreement, contract or licence.
- I will only incorporate the resource, or part thereof, in any work, program or article produced by me, where this is permitted by the licence or by "Fair Dealing" (see the Copyright and Licences section of the Library website).
- I will only incorporate some part or version of the resource in any work produced by me with the express permission of the Licensor or unless this is permitted under the Agreement.
- I will not reverse engineer or de-compile the software products or attempt to do so unless this is explicitly permitted within the terms of the Agreement for the use of the resource.
- I understand that the University of Leeds reserves its right to take legal action against individuals who cause it to be involved in legal proceedings as a result of violation of its licensing agreements.