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Library staff representatives

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Library representatives from all schools are invited twice a year to a meeting chaired by a member of the Library Executive Team. These meetings are often used to launch new initiatives and debate Library matters of general concern to the whole academic community.

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School or department Contact name
Accounting and Finance Dr Effie Symitsi
Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies Dr Tajul Islam
Biology Dr Aysha Divan
Biomedical Sciences Dr Ioannis Delis
Chemical and Process Engineering Dr Andrew Scott
Chemistry Professor Dmitry Shalashilin
Civil Engineering Professor Ian Richardson
Computer Science Dr John G Stell
Dentistry Dr Stella Kwan
Design Dr Bethan Bide
Earth and Environment Dr Geoff E Lloyd
East Asian Studies Professor Martin Seeger
East Asian Studies Dr David Pattinson
Economics Dr Luisa Zanchi
Education Dr Huahui Zhao
Electronic and Electrical Engineering Dr Heribert Eisele
English Dr Catherine Batt
Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies Dr Mark Westgarth
Food Science and Nutrition Dr Rammile Ettelaie
French Dr Paul Rowe
Geography Andy Turner
German Dr Stephan Petzold
Healthcare Dr Helen Convey
Healthcare Kirsty Cavill
Healthcare David Saltiel
Healthcare Ms Lynne Veal
Healthcare Kirsten Johnson
History and Medieval Studies Charles Roe
Institute for Transport Studies Dr Alex Stead
International Business Dr David Yoon
Italian Dr Gigliola Sulis
Languages, Cultures and Societies (incorporating School of Classics) Professor Jeremy Munday
Languages, Cultures and Societies (incorporating School of Classics) Dr Chris Homewood
Languages, Cultures and Societies (incorporating School of Classics) Dr Callum Walker
Law Amanda Hemingway
Law Dr Joanne Hawkins
Lifelong Learning Centre David Ibitson
Linguistics and Phonetics Dr Diane Nelson
Management Professor Barbara Summers
Marketing Dr Babis Saridakis
Mathematics Professor Frank Nijhoff
Mechanical Engineering Dr Marlene Mengoni
Medicine Natalie King
Medicine Dr Ewan Morrison
Molecular and Cellular Biology Dr Sergei Krivov
Music Dr Ellis Jones
Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development Dr Bassey Ebenso
Performance and Cultural Industries Dr Tony Gardner
Philosophy, Religion and History of Science Professor Pekka Väyrynen
Philosophy, Religion and History of Science Dr Mikel Burley
Physics and Astronomy Professor Hugo Christenson
Politics and International Studies Dr James Souter
Psychology Dr Colin Hendrie
Russian Dr James Wilson
Sociology and Social Policy Dr Peter Doak
Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies Dr Gregorio Alonso
Work and Employment Relations Dr Sundeep Aulakh