The Latin translation of the Conciliator
Menasseh ben Israel, rabbi, scholar, philosopher, diplomat and Hebrew printer, 1604-1657
Explore the work of Menasseh Ben Israel, rabbi, scholar, philosopher, diplomat and Hebrew printer, through books in the Cecil Roth Collection.
In the midst of history – Menasseh ben Israel’s mission to England
Early printed witnesses to Menasseh ben Israel’s mission to England, including Christian responses.
Apology for the honorable nation of the Jews and all the sons of Israel
Apologia por la noble nacion de los Iudios y hijos de Israel
The Lost tribes of Israel, rediscovered in South America
Mikveh Yisra’el, Esto es, Esperança De Israel: : Obra con suma curiosidad conpuesta
Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England
William Prynne, Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England:
A loving salutation to the seed of Abraham among the Jewes
Margaret Fox, A loving salutation to the seed of Abraham among the Jewes
Printing and Teaching Judaism
Imprints from Menasseh’s press and its Christian publishers, in Spanish, Portuguese and Hebrew (with Latin) with those of his Jewish competitors.
Menasseh ben Israel's Liturgical Bible: Pentateuch, Five Scrolls and the Prophetic Portions (1)
Hamishah Humshe Torah: Menasseh ben Israel’s Liturgical Bible: Pentateuch, Five Scrolls and the Prophetic Portions (1)
Menasseh ben Israel's Liturgical Bible: Pentateuch, Five Scrolls and the Prophetic Portions (2)
Hamishah Humshe Torah: Menasseh ben Israel's Liturgical Bible: Pentateuch, Five Scrolls and the Prophetic Portions (3)
A mystical treatise on the fear of God
TheTratado del Temor Divino: A mystical treatise on the fear of God
A Treasury of [religious] Laws which the people of Israel is obligated to know and keep
Thesouro dos dinim: que o povo de Israel, he obrigado saber, e observar: A Treasury of [religious] Laws which the people of Israel is obligated to know and keep.
Fifty precious sermons by Amsterdam’s senior rabbi
Hamishim derushim yekarim; va-yikra et shemo Giv’at Sha’ul: Fifty precious sermons by Amsterdam’s senior rabbi
This section is devoted to Menasseh as author in the context of Jewish-Christian intellectual contacts in Holland.
The first part of The Conciliador
Conciliador, o de la conveniencia de los Lugares de la S. Escriptura que repugnantes entre si parecen: The Conciliator (2)
Thirty problems concerning Creation
De creatione problemata XXX: Thirty problems concerning Creation
Three books on the resurrection of the dead (1)
De resurrectione mortuorum libri III: Three books on the resurrection of the dead (1)
Three books on the resurrection of the dead (2)
De resurrectione mortuorum libri: Three books on the resurrection of the dead (2)
Three books on the resurrection of the dead (3)
De resurrectione mortuorum libri: Three books on the resurrection of the dead (3)
Portrait of the Tabernacle of Moses (1)
Retrato del tabernaculo de Moseh: Portrait of the Tabernacle of Moses
Portrait of the Tabernacle of Moses (2)
Retrato del tabernaculo de Moseh: Portrait of the Tabernacle of Moses (2)
Portrait of the Tabernacle of Moses (3)
Retrato del tabernaculo de Moseh: Portrait of the Tabernacle of Moses (3)
This Latin edition (Strong Room for. 8vo 1633 MAN) is Dionysius Vossius's translation of Part One of the Conciliator. Vossius was a noted linguist, and translator of Oriental, African and European languages, who had studied Hebrew with Menasseh.
Abraham Zacutus Lusitanus (1575-1642), a noted Jewish physician and scholar, and a fellow refugee from Portugal, composed a eulogy. This Latin version was published "with the author's fonts and at his expense". And like its Spanish original, this version sets the Hebrew quotations in Hebrew type.