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Brotherton Library closed
The Brotherton Library is expected to be closed until Tuesday 7 January due to emergency work in Parkinson Court. The Laidlaw, Edward Boyle and Health Sciences libraries are all open as usual.
How to get items from the Brotherton.



Find articles relevant to your subject by searching databases.

Look at the guides to get the most from each database.

These databases are available for use by Leeds staff and students both on and off-site within the terms of the license agreements. Off-site users will need to login using their Leeds username and password.

Key databases

CAB Abstracts Online

Covers human health, food and nutrition, agriculture, environmental issues, genetics, plant and animal science. CAB Abstracts includes information about research articles, books, conference proceedings and reports. Coverage from 1973 onwards.

Guide to using CAB Abstracts Online


Covers nursing and allied health. Search for journal articles, books, dissertations and conference proceedings. Coverage from 1960 onwards.

Advanced CINAHL workbook

Cochrane Library

Cochrane reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions. Search these and other reliable sources, including other systematic review abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials. Coverage from 2005 onwards.

Cochrane Library workbook

Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works

A searchable collection containing real transcripts of therapy and counseling sessions and first person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and its treatment, as well as reference works to contextualise the primary material. New material is added biweekly. Coverage starting from 1950.

Guide to using Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works


Dimensions is the world’s largest linked-research database, covering articles, grants, patents, clinical trials, datasets, policy documents and technical reports. It also provides research metrics. There is a free version open to all, or a subscription version.

You must register for an account with your Leeds email address to get full access, from a computer within the University’s IP range or through the virtual desktop. Once you are registered, you can access the database from off-campus. If you are a student, you can put “student” in the job title field.

Guide to using Dimensions


Eldis provides free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. It includes over 50,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Eldis aims to cover high quality research from smaller research producers, especially those from developing countries, alongside that of the larger, northern based, research organisations.


Search for journal articles in biomedicine and pharmacology. The database is updated weekly and can be searched back to 1980. A current awareness service provides alerts for newly added content. Compared to Medline, EMBASE has a more European bias, and only about one-third of the journals are covered in both databases. 

Advanced EMBASE workbook

Global Health

Search for journal articles, books and less traditional publications from more than 125 countries. In addition to comprehensive coverage of the core international public health literature, the database includes significant unique content, particularly in the areas of tropical medicine, infectious diseases, vector control, food safety and epidemiology. Coverage starts from 1910.

Intermediate Global Health workbook

Advanced Global Health workbook

Global Index Medicus

The Global Index Medicus (GIM) provides worldwide access to biomedical and public health literature produced by and within low to middle income countries. GIM indexes five regional indexes: African Index Medicus; Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region; Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region; The Latin-American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information; Western Pacific Region Index Medicus.

Henry Stewart Talks

Seminar style presentations by many of the world's leading authorities on biomedicine. Editors and lecturers are leading world experts and practitioners, including Nobel Laureates, drawn from academia, research institutes, commerce, industry, the professions and government.

Hinari: research in health

One of the world's largest collections of biomedical and health literature. HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme covers up to 14,000 journals (in 30 different languages), up to 33,000 e-books, up to 70 other information resources. There is no access to subscription content.

HMIC database

This database brings together the bibliographic databases of two UK health and social care management organisations: Department of Health (DH-Data) and King's Fund. HMIC enables you to search for journal articles, books, Department of Health policy documents and unpublished material in the area of UK and international health and social care management and policy. The two HMIC databases are updated six times a year and records go back to 1983. A free current awareness service provides email alerts to newly added content.

HMIC workbook

Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (IRIS)

Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (IRIS) is the digital library of the World Health Organisation’s published material in full text produced since 1948. Its content is freely accessible in six official languages.


J-STAGE is an electronic journal platform for STEM information in Japan, developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). J-STAGE supports Japanese societies and research organisations, and has published more than 3,000 journals, conference proceedings and other academic publications.


Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literatures (LILACS) provides access to more than 800,000 records of peer reviewed journals and other research outputs from the Latin American and Caribbean regions.

Maternity and Infant Care

The Maternity and infant care database has over 100,000 references relating to midwifery, pregnancy and childbirth, from 1971 onwards. Each reference includes full bibliographic information, an author abstract or summary, and is subject indexed with key words to enable easy searching of the database. The database also includes pre-prepared "standard" searches.

Guide to using Maternity and Infant Care


Search for journal articles and other reference types in medicine, dentistry and nursing, including biomedicine, medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health, pre-clinical sciences. This includes material from across the biological and environmental sciences, psychology, and chemistry. The database is updated frequently and can be searched back to 1950. A current awareness service provides alerts for newly added content.

Intermediate Medline workbook

Advanced Medline workbook

Ovid Databases

More than 100 core and niche databases to support a variety of research needs in a wide range of disciplines including clinical medicine, pharmacology and more. The powerful combination of Ovid's rich database implementation with Ovid's advanced search features, natural language processing, sophisticated linking technology, and customizable display options, offer a unique, integrated database solution ideal for all users.

Guide to using Ovid Databases


PakMediNet is a database indexing medical journals from Pakistan. Its aim is to promote Pakistani Based Medical Research and Pakistani Medical Journals.


Contains journal articles, books, dissertations and theses in core psychology disciplines, behavioural sciences and mental health. It covers 1881 to the present day. A current awareness service provides alerts for newly added content. Updated weekly.

Advanced PsychINFO workbook


A service of the US National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from the journals in the Medline database as well as biomedical articles from further life-science journals. This version of Medline also includes PreMedline, references to articles that have been published but not yet included in the full version of Medline. The search interface is less easy to use than our normal Medline service, and many of the records in PreMedline don't have abstracts, but this is one of the most up to date biomedical databases available. Also includes some links from references to full text journals. A current awareness service provides links for newly added content.

PubMed workbook

PubMed online tutorial with guidance produced by the database supplier.

PubMed help: A section inside the database that offers a variety of assistance on basic and advanced searching.


SciElo is a database that provides access to scientific research from Latin America and the Caribbean. Its aim is to promote and increase the visibility of research from Latin America.


Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature from more than 18,500 journals and quality web sources, with smart tools to track, analyse and visualize research. Coverage starts from 1823.

Guide to using Scopus

Social Care Online

Free database provided by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). Updated daily resources include legislation, government documents, practice and guidance, systematic reviews, research briefings, reports, journal articles and websites. Every resource listed includes an abstract. Links to full text are also included where available. Social Care Online is a particularly useful resource for staff, students and researchers working in social work and social care.

Guide to using Social Care Online

The Lens

The Lens aggregates and provides access to over 225 million scholarly works, patent records and patent sequences from across the world. Its goal is to enable more people to make better decisions, informed by evidence.

Web of Science

Search for journal articles using three databases; Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and Arts and Humanities Citation Index. A current awareness service provides citation alerts for newly added journal articles. Each database is updated weekly.

Guide to using Web of Science

WHO Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH)

The World Health Organization Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) provides access to research on all aspects of sexual and reproductive health. The website features articles, guidelines, infographics, datasets and interactive tools.