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Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Sharing and finding OERs

There are freely available online platforms and repositories where you can find Open Educational Resources (OERs) to use in your curriculum, in your reading lists, or to adapt, rework and create unique OERs. 

The same platforms often allow you to upload a whole range of OERs, separately or as collections. For example, you can upload a single presentation or a presentation with accompanying documents or images. When you create an OER you take responsibility for quality assurance and uploading to a suitable platform.  

If you require support uploading your OERs, please contact the Library

University support

The University of Leeds does not have a University-owned designated platform for Open Educational Resources. However, we can offer guidance on sustainable, accessible and discoverable OER platforms that will give your OERs the greatest reach and visibility. We can also integrate your OERs into collections once they are online. 

OER platforms

Appropriate platforms include:

Figshare stores, shares and manages OERs, increasing the visibility and impact of resources by making their outputs discoverable and citable. A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned to every item for easy citation. 

An online photo and video sharing platform that allows users to upload, organise and share their visual content with others. Many creators choose to license their photos under Creative Commons licences, making them available for others to use under certain conditions. 

A popular podcast search engine and database that allows users to discover, search and listen to podcasts across a wide range of topics. 

Mason OER Metafinder  
This service enables cross-searching of multiple OER platforms at once. 

The MERLOT repository (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) is an online resource allowing you to directly create content, upload existing OERs and access a vast collection. 

National Teaching Repository 
The National Teaching Repository is a searchable, open access online database where educators can upload and exchange OERs, ideas, approaches and pedagogical research. 

The repository of educational resources from the Commonwealth of Learning, with over 5,000 entries divided into categories such as health sciences, languages and technology. 

OER Commons 
OER Commons is a comprehensive online repository and collaborative platform for accessing, sharing and authoring OERs. These resources are freely accessible and designed to be used for teaching, learning and research in a variety of educational settings.  

A nonprofit that aims to improve educational access and learning with a vast directory of high-quality peer-reviewed textbooks. 

Leeds currently has a pilot with Podbean, a podcast hosting platform and directory that allows users to create, publish and distribute podcasts. 

Sketchfab is a platform that allows users to publish, share and explore 3D, VR and AR content online. It serves as both a repository and a tool for the display of 3D models and animations. 

A music and podcasting platform, currently undergoing a limited Leeds pilot for specific pre-agreed modules. 

This University of Leeds platform can host and share videos online. 

A central repository for media files suitable for educational and informational purposes.

A widely used online video platform where users can upload, share, view and comment on videos. 

Zenodo provides educators with a place to share and preserve their work, making it publicly available. It assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each uploaded item, ensuring its long-term accessibility and citability.