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Access other university or public libraries

Use other public or national libraries

Don't forget that you can use other public or national libraries, as well as university libraries.

Leeds and other public libraries

If you wish to use a Leeds public library, you can either join online or at any of the Leeds libraries. Membership is free and anyone can join.

Other public libraries may require you to live locally to join. Check with your local council.

British Library

The British Library has reading rooms at their Boston Spa and St Pancras sites.

It's Research Collection at Boston Spa, near Wetherby, holds over 7 million items and hosts the Library's major collections of British and overseas newspapers.

The British Library's St Pancras site in central London has 11 Reading Rooms, which each specialise in different subject areas.

To use either of these you must register for a British Library Reader Pass.

Search other library catalogues

If you need to look for items in libraries beyond Leeds University Library, you could try the catalogues below:

  • Explore the British Library: access to the main British Library Catalogue, as well as links to specialist resources from the British Library.
  • Library Hub: search a database of 133 UK and Irish academic, national & specialist library catalogues. It includes the catalogues of the British Library and Leeds University Library.
  • WorldCat: search the holdings of major national libraries and academic libraries around the world. You can list the locations of any items you find and link directly to the local library catalogue.
  • M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries: search the catalogues of libraries in London and the South East.