Meet the teams
Research Services team
We support the University’s research community, including postgraduate researchers, research staff and faculty research support staff.
We manage Symplectic, the university's research information system, and our open access repositories: White Rose Research Online, White Rose eTheses Online and Research Data Leeds.
We also provide controlled access to data that cannot be made fully open in the Restricted Access Data Repository (RADAR).
Our services
We offer a range of services for research staff, postgraduate researchers and faculty research staff with guidance, support, training and resources in the following areas:
- open research support including:
- research analytics
- increasing research visibility
- literature searching
- reference management
- support with REF open access requirements
- literature searching service to support research aligned with the University’s strategic priorities
Research data management support includes:
- data management plans
- safeguarding data
- data documentation or metadata
- depositing data in the institutional data repository
We also provide controlled access to data that cannot be made fully open in our restricted access data repository (RADAR).
We offer a workshops programme for staff and postgraduate researchers on key aspects of areas we support.
More information about our services can be found on the research support webpages.
The team is based in the Research Hub on Level 13 of the Edward Boyle Library.
Email the Research Support Team to make an appointment, book onto a workshop, or to make an enquiry about our range of services below.
If you need specific support with writing your data management plan, advice on compiling data documentation or metadata, preparing your data for deposit in the institutional repository or obtaining a Digital Object Identifier, then you can email research data enquiries