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Group work

Finishing the task successfully

Some groups find that their cohesiveness drops towards the end of the task that they are working on. If your group is going to finish its job successfully, you all need to maintain involvement in meetings and communications between meetings right to the end.

Here are some important points to remember:

  • Continue to work together, even if you have fewer responsibilities towards the end of the task.
  • Make sure that everyone is happy with the finished product, whether it is a presentation, report, or another piece of work.
  • Don’t leave the final stages to one individual or subgroup, this might lead them to feel that you aren’t interested, or can’t be bothered to engage with it, and you might find that you are not happy with the final piece of work if you don’t give your input.
  • Consider having a debrief session after the work has been marked. What went well, what could have been improved, and what could you do differently next time? It’s also a great opportunity to thank one another for working together, and sharing their skills and experience.