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Literature searching service

Literature searching helps build knowledge of a topic, identifies gaps in the literature, avoids duplicating effort, supports decision-making and keeping up to date with research advancement. Research shows that involving information specialists in literature reviews correlates with higher quality search strategies.

Our information specialists are experts in information retrieval and use a variety of databases and grey literature sources. In the fields of education and medicine, we have supported research projects spanning healthcare technologies and interventions, digital platform policy, and climate change in education.

We typically support funded researchers with strategically aligned research projects, subject to capacity, and a charge applies. We do not conduct literature searches that form part of assessed academic work.

How can we help you?

We develop and refine search strategies, carry out the searches for you, and provide references in an EndNote Library, as well as a clear record of all searches conducted, search methods text, and the search strategies themselves. Our literature searches are systematic, transparent, reproducible and internally peer reviewed for quality assurance. We follow evidence-based search methodology and report literature searches in line with recognised standards developed by Cochrane.

We can develop literature searches for evidence syntheses including:

· horizon scanning of academic and grey literature to identify new and emerging areas of research

· scoping searches and reviews to identify research gaps and opportunities

· rapid reviews to provide literature summaries on research questions

· systematic reviews to appraise and synthesise evidence relating to a research question.

Please email us to discuss your requirements.