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Increase research visibility

What is research visibility?

Research visibility refers to the extent that others can find and access your research. Throughout your career, there are many ways for you to raise your research visibility, which could help you to reach your intended audience, widen your collaboration network and increase your potential academic impact. 

You can carry out activities to raise your research visibility at all stages of the process. These pages provide advice and ideas on how you can do this. 

What does the Research Visibility Service offer? 

You can access support and guidance from our Research Services team in all areas of research visibility, such as open research, research identifiers, research analytics and disseminating research. Our service is available to staff and postgraduate researchers (PGRs) at faculty, school and individual level through training sessions and online resources. 

We can also offer more bespoke support if needed. Get in touch by email at 

We can help you with: 

  • open access publishing including understanding the different routes available, using Symplectic to deposit manuscripts to the White Rose Research Repository (WRRO), article processing charges and transitional agreements 
  • information and guidance to ensure that your research and data is as open, accessible and inclusive as possible 
  • support to further understand research identifiers, specifically ORCID iD 
  • benefits of using researcher identifiers and linking them to your Symplectic account 
  • identifying current and potential collaborators including individual authors, institutions and countries 
  • exploring your publishing options
  • guidance on ways to disseminate your research to the public as well as those in academia (eg creating and curating online profiles, blogging, podcasting, writing public-facing articles, liaising with the media). 

Training sessions 

As a PGR you can take one of our regular sessions dedicated to how to increase your visibility. Find out more about our workshops, including the course content and how to book a place. 

For staff, we can tailor research visibility sessions depending on your school or faculty’s needs, which can vary across disciplines and career stages.  

Our research visibility playlist holds a collection of short videos containing useful hints and tips about raising your research visibility.