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Structure your writing

The conclusion

The conclusion provides a way of neatly ending the discussion and providing a clear answer to the question or task set out in the introduction. It also allows you to relate your discussion back to the wider context, for example by identifying gaps in our current knowledge and suggesting a direction for future study.

What should be in the conclusion?

Just as there isn't one way to write an introduction, there isn’t one way to write a conclusion. However, your conclusion should not be a surprise to your reader. You must not include any new information or evidence in your conclusion.

You should present the main message or argument that you want your reader to take away.

You should also summarise the key themes that were raised in the main body.

Highlight any gaps or limitations you have identified in your assignment, and indicate a direction for future study. You might wish to briefly describe the implications or consequences of your findings or recommendations.

Examples of a conclusion

See an example of a concluding paragraph in the Examples of paragraphs in academic writing resource.