Troubleshooting and FAQs
Top tips for troubleshooting
Here’s a summary of our top tips for using EndNote:
- Create one library to keep all your references in the same place. Watch this Clarivate video on how to create a library (opens in YouTube).
- Use the groups feature to organise your references; this is helpful if you are working on several different projects. Follow our guidance on using groups in EndNote.
- If you want to use the LeedsUni Harvard, LeedsUni Numeric or MHRA output styles on a personal computer, follow our instructions to download the Leeds styles to your computer.
- Regularly save a back-up copy of your EndNote library to your computer’s hard drive or to a USB drive by selecting “File” then “Save a copy”.
- Don’t save your EndNote library to a cloud storage service such as OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox, unless you are saving a compressed backup file, as this can corrupt the library. Select “File” then “Compress Library” to save a compressed version (.enlx) that you can safely upload to cloud storage.
- For Mac, you should save your library to your Home folder rather than to your desktop or documents. EndNote libraries can become corrupted if they are saved to locations which back up to iCloud.
- Check and remove duplicate references on a regular basis. Having duplicates in your EndNote library can cause problems when you start to reference your work.
- EndNote doesn’t automatically import PDFs of the full text of an article when you add references to your library, and the full text finder is not compatible with the Library Search. Read our guidance for importing PDFs to your library or watch this video explaining how to attach PDFs to references in your library (opens in YouTube).
- Check that the references are appearing properly in your work by comparing them with the official referencing guidelines for your style. If a reference is not appearing correctly in Word, you may need to edit the reference details in your EndNote library or double check that you are using the right output style. If the Leeds style is not available in Word, you can download Leeds styles.