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Storing and handling data

University data storage solutions

The University provides different options for storing research data, and this page gives an overview of what is available and what you should consider when using mobile devices such as laptops.

The Research Information Management Guide (PDF) has further information on the different University managed storage solutions and gives recommendations for which storage is appropriate for each data sensitivity tier.

Using mobile devices

We increasingly rely on mobile devices to collect data, which can be insecure and carry data risk. You should use managed and backed-up storage wherever possible – for example, storage provided by your faculty or University IT. If this is not possible, transfer data to managed storage as soon as possible and delete from local storage. The main causes of data loss are hardware failure (or loss) and user error.

Store your data on encrypted devices

No sensitive data (as defined by the Data Protection Act) should be stored on laptops or USB storage devices unless they are encrypted. It might also be appropriate to use an encrypted audio recorder if you are conducting interviews.

You can arrange encryption software through the IT Service Desk.

See IT Knowledgebase article:

University managed storage

A brief summary of data storage options at the university is presented below. They include:

  • Research Data Storage Service
  • Cloud storage: Microsoft Office 365.

Research Data Storage Service

The Research Data Storage Service offers three storage options offering a range of features and cost options. It is suitable for data storage in tiers 0–3.

It offers a scalable, secure, and flexible storage capability which aims to meet the longer storage needs of researchers as well as general file-store requirements for research related purposes. This is provided by Isilon, a storage platform that can create shared drives for both Windows and non-Windows (eg MacOS and Linux) use.

See the IT Knowledgebase article: Information about the University’s Research Data Storage Service


LASER is a Trusted Research Environment (TRE) – also known as a Data Safe Haven – managed and run by Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA).

LASER is not just secure storage but a whole research environment, including compute and analytic resources.

The Data Analytics Team in LIDA supports researchers for the full lifecycle of a project, from grant submission to project termination. This ensures research requirements are met by each TRE design in a cost-effective manner and data is handled appropriately throughout.

Cloud storage: Microsoft Office 365

The only fully supported cloud storage available within the University is through Office 365 (ie OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams). These all can synchronise data with the device you are using, creating a local copy, which could pose risks for sensitive data. Default sharing links must be checked.

If in doubt, store sensitive data in an unsynchronised location and only access it from a secure managed device.

See IT Knowledgebase articles:


OneDrive is great for files that don’t need to be shared or working drafts of documents before you move them to a collaborative space for input from others (such as Teams or SharePoint).

If you leave the University, any data stored here will be permanently deleted, so make sure data is handed over appropriately at the end of projects.

You can set files to synchronise to a local device for use offline, but only for data of tier 0 or tier 1 sensitivity.

See the IT Knowledgebase articles:


SharePoint allows a team, service, school, faculty or project to share files with a limited scope or lifecycle. You can request a SharePoint site via the IT Service Desk.

Permissions can be granted on a site basis, instead of on individual documents. If people have access to the team site, then they have access to documents stored in the site.

Microsoft Teams

MS Teams is a collaboration hub for teams to communicate and collaborate. It serves as a home for dedicated content. Great for less formal communication in a timely fashion.

See IT Knowledgebase article: What is Microsoft Teams?

Outlook mailbox

Outlook automatically synchronises with any computer or device you receive email on, meaning a copy of data could be stored in several locations.

If confidential or personal data is shared by email, it must be encrypted, and the decryption key must be kept entirely separate from your email.

To comply with the University’s Information Protection Policy, all confidential emails should also be immediately saved to an appropriate alternative storage location and deleted from your mailbox.