Microsoft Word and EndNote
Citing with footnotes
Some referencing styles, such as MHRA, use footnotes.
This is how you insert a footnote at the bottom of the page:
- Open your document in Word and enter some text. Leave the cursor where you would like your footnote to appear.
- Go to the References tab (not the EndNote tab) at the top of the screen and select "Insert Footnote".
- Click in the footnote at the bottom of the page and leave the cursor there.
- Click the EndNote tab at the top of the screen.
- Select "Go to EndNote" to switch to the EndNote library you have open.
- Select the reference you want (hold “Ctrl” or “Cmd” while clicking if you want to select more than one reference).
- Click the Insert Citation button (which looks like quotation marks), or go to Tools — Cite While You Write — Insert Selected Citation(s).
- The citation will appear in the footnote in your Word document, and a corresponding reference will be added to the bibliography at the end of the document.
To add page numbers to a citation in a footnoted style:
- Highlight the citation in your document.
- In the EndNote tab in Word, click “Edit and Manage Citation(s)”.
- Select the correct citation from the list.
- In the “Pages” box, enter the page number, not including any punctuation or spacing.
- Click “OK”.