EndNote referencing styles
Edit output styles
If none of EndNote's styles exactly match the one you want to use, you can edit the output style. Examples of edits you might make to a style include changes to:
- the sort order of citations so that multiple citations will be displayed in chronological or alphabetical order
- the template of a reference type to include a certain field or to format a field to be bold or in italics
- how repeated citations are dealt with in a footnoted style.
To edit a style:
- In EndNote, go to the “Tools” menu.
- Go to Output Styles and then choose “Edit [the style you’re using]”.
- This will open the Style Manager window, where you can make changes to the way citations and references are displayed in your Word documents.
- Once you have made the edits you want, click “File” and “Save As” and save your edits.
- In Word, go to the EndNote tab and open the Style drop-down menu. Click “Select Another Style…” and scroll down the list to find your edited style.
For full instructions on editing output styles, see this Clarivate guide. Although it is for an older version of EndNote, the advice remains the same: