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Screening for systematic reviews

If you are conducting a systematic review, you can screen your references using EndNote groups.

Screening references is where you decide whether each individual article meets your inclusion criteria or not, and therefore what references should be included in your review.

For example, you could create one group each for:

  • excluded references
  • included references
  • undecided references that you might want to look at in greater detail after you do your initial screening.

First of all, you should make sure you have not added the references you want to screen to any other groups in the library.

You can then use the “Unfiled” view on the left-hand panel to look through the titles and abstracts of each reference, and drag the references to the appropriate groups.

You could then set up more groups to further screen the included references as you read their full text in more detail.

For large numbers of references in a systematic review, you could use software to speed up the screening process, such as the SR-Accelerator Screenatron, produced by Bond University in Australia. This software is compatible with EndNote libraries.